Through the fog and mist

I had plans to go hiking yesterday with a few friends but the weather was not inviting and when we woke to fog and mist and the threat of more rain only two of us decided to go anyway.

We had decided the night before unless the weather was relentless that we were still going to venture out. She’s done this trail before multiple times and felt it could be done if the conditions were mild enough so off we went.

We got to the trailhead around 830am and the parking lot was unusually empty; normally the lot overflows and there are tons of people. There was a jogger and his dog who headed into the woods and then we were alone. We set out on our path and my first heart rock appeared, we headed up the stone staircase and it started to drizzle so we put on rain ponchos and continued on. We took our time, the ground was filled with leaves and a bit slippery, lots of rocks and roots along the way.

The fog and mist surrounded us as pops of color appeared through leaves and fir trees and berries and the gaps in the cloud cover of the distant sky. The forest was quiet except for the light sounds of the raindrops falling and our voices.

We stopped by a tiny “waterfall” and were taking pictures and a runner had come silently upon us, we stepped aside to let him pass. A few more twists and turns and we came to an area with stone pillars, we were pausing there, taking pictures, admiring the remnants of a stone and log pavilion built over 100 years ago and 3 large dogs came charging down the hill towards us.. Luckily they were much nicer than they first appeared and returned when their owners called out to them..

Onward again, the rain stopping, hearts were presenting and popping out everywhere.. even the moss on a stone… we passed another man with a dog coming the opposite way, this dog barely noticed us..

Hiking slowly for safety reasons really brings an extra layer of observing and absorbing what gifts nature has to offer. The uncertainty of the fog and the mist, blurring what is in the distance, bringing forth surprises you didn’t see coming.

When we finished we headed over the the “Fairy Trail” a short outlined pathway that has little cottages and such placed along a pathway. A lovely spot to set the foundation for little ones to learn to explore and find a love of nature and it’s beauty.

Sometimes we are hesitant to take that step. We can’t see where the path is going and we are unwilling to venture into the unknown. I urge you, take that chance, move forward slowly and allow the future to unfold before you! Namaste.

5 thoughts on “Through the fog and mist

  1. Thank you for posting your blogs…
    I wrote a comment that I cannot re-create… I thought it was quite nice.. but something I did or did not do caused it to slip quietly off into never neverland never to be seen or heard from again.
    I do remember that I wished you a Merry Christmas… and lots of fun with Ryder, too. He must be so much fun.
    I miss the easy of being social on SparkPeople with that sites demise I have gained so much time to do other things that do not have computer or internet components… but I do miss the ease of keeping in touch with the half-dozen or so people I thought of as ‘Best Friends’ and yes I thought of you as a best friend. and do still miss your daily posts. I doubt you remember me I started on SP as OverActiveElbow (because my elbow kept feeding me too much too often) then I became 75HealthyMe… and always Audra through the whole journey.
    Thank you for being YOU.
    Merry Christmas.


  2. What a beautiful entry, both photos and prose! I love that you find the hearts everywhere… and the fairy path is precious. Someone takes great care to preserve such surprises!

    This is my late sister-in-law’s birthday. Last night her brother (my ex- and father to my son) was in my dreams. Fog matches well with dreams, don’t you think?

    Hoping a Merry Christmas for you and yours, and may the fog of the past couple of years clear for us all!


  3. You are so adventurous! I really enjoy your blogs! It amazes me how you find the hearts. I know keep your eyes open and have faith! (((HUGS)))


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